empowers nearly 600 educators across Tennessee in first year.

Across Tennessee, 591 early childhood educators are better equipped to run their businesses and communicate with parents through Tech Goes Home Tennessee’s first year of targeted statewide programming.

The participants from this first year represent 270 child care agencies across 42 Tennessee
counties. Classes began in February 2022 in partnership with Tennessee Child Care Resource &
Referral Network (TN CCR&R) and The Enterprise Center. This partnership is an expansion of
the Enterprise Center’s Tech Goes Home CHA program, which provides digital literacy training
and technology to residents across Hamilton County.

“From educators with visual impairments to child care agency owners still using paper budgets,
the regional technology coaches have adjusted the training and resources to meet the needs of all
program participants,” said Christy Finley, Tech Goes Home TN ECE Director. “Over the last
year, we’ve watched our participants grow in skills that directly impact their child care agencies
and the children they serve.”

With the help of grant funding through the TN Department of Human Services (TDHS) and
Signal Centers, TGH TN is uplifting early childhood educators whose resources and time are
often limited.

As we seek to professionalize the childcare industry, the need for training on technology to
access grants, attendance and paperwork has become essential.” said Heather Hicks, TN CCR&R
Director. “This program is meeting this need and preparing staff and owners with the skills to be
more efficient. Tennessee CCR&R is proud of this growing partnership and the impact it has –
and will continue to have.”

With more than 500 additional educators on a waitlist for upcoming classes, Tech Goes Home
TN aims to serve 750 early childhood educators across the state in the coming year.

“These numbers speak for themselves and really show the need for this program in the child care
community,” Finley said. “As both a parent and a former child care provider myself, it’s
empowering to bring such a critical resource to an often overlooked community.”

Agencies that participate receive 15 hours of digital skills training for employees enrolled in the
program and may be eligible for low-cost Chromebooks and a hotspot to increase access to the
internet and resources. Regional technology coaches work with child care providers during and
after participation in the program to increase awareness of affordable internet connections at
home and in the agencies.

To find out more about the program, see eligibility information or apply to participate, visit